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About Us

Children Studying Alphabet



Keren Hachnuch (KH) Educational Fund was established at the end of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Education is never finished. As a result, the financial support necessary to fund educational projects is endless.

Many meetings and discussions concerning the real needs of our children and of Lubavitch educational institutions in the GTA have concluded with the decision to establish an educational trust which will fundraise for and support projects that are not and cannot be considered in schools’ budgets.

KH – Educational Fund’s first goal is to provide financial support to our dedicated educators to assist them with their yomim tovim needs and with family simchos. Ultimately, its goal is to sponsor educational projects that will leave a permanent and positive influence upon our children and our educational institutions.


Nothing is more important than education! All begins with education and ends with education.

Every dollar, every donation will be directed towards its goal.  There will be no administration or overhead that requires funding.

Please join our team of donors already generously supporting us so that we can continue to dedicate our time and funds to advance education in our community.


We have a long way to go.  With Hashem’s help and your warm support we can achieve all of our goals.

For references and additional information please feel free to contact our Mara d’asra, Harav Dovid Schochet, Shlita (905-886-1544) or Rabbi Shmuel Chaim Reidel (647-785-5594) who are assisting us with the “Keren Hachinuch – Educational Fund” project.


Rabbi Schochet and Rabbi Reidel will each receive a full accounting of every dollar raised and distributed.

You can make your tax-deductible donation payable to JHF (Jewish Heritage Foundation) and mail it to

Keren Hachinuch

Please Note on check: For Keren Hachinuch Fund.


For online secure donations – please click the link below:

Thank you so much and wishing you and your family success and true yidishe and Torah nachas from your family!


Rabbi Mottel Wechter (647-221-1741) – Project Manager

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